I cannot figure out why i am unable to open any of my game folders, actually I cannot find any game folders at all. I am using a game that is fairly old, Do I need one that was put out just before the change? I have tryed this way but after I copy the files the new game wont start. What it does is revert the game to the old product id code to allow you to continue using the ZWT keygen. You will now notice that the new product ID is no longer reading 'E.-.' but it now starts with a 'C' and the ZWT keygen will work on it as it did with previous games from reflexive. Once you have done this, relaunch the game and use the same method to crack with the ZWT as you did before. Now PASTE both files into this folder and click YES TO ALL. Open the game folder, and then open it's ReflexiveArcade folder. Copy BOTH files and go to the new game you downloaded which the keygens no longer work on.
Find the files that read Arcade.dat (it may even simply say just Arcade and the file extension might not be showing for you) and also find the reflexivearcade.dll file extension. Open the game folder and then open the ReflexiveArcade folder. Go into the last game that you used the ZWT keygen on and it worked.